SSEAYP International Conference 2.0: The 10 Delegates of SSEAYP Indonesia


We are ready for SICO 2.0!
@kbsmalaysia @sseayp_ma

From SSEAYP International Indonesia Inc., 10 Delegates will participate in SSEAYP International Conference 2.0 (27 Feb 2021) for the specified 5 Topics:

1. Food Security
Rahmad Hamdi (IPY 2011) @hamdihillmanjr
Fadila Rahma (IPY 2018) @siapayafad

2. Economic Empowerment
Rahmat Hidayat (IPY 2017)
Shitaa (IPY 2018) @shitaram

3. Transformative Education
Pia Adiprima (IPY 1997) @piawakwaw
Suci Utami (IPY 2016) @suciarmand

4. Mental Health Education
Randika Dwiputra (IPY 2017) @randiika
Nurnaningsih (IPY 2018) @channie_chi

5. After-Effect: Youth, Climate, Peace and Security
Brian Christian (IPY 2017) @brianchofficial
Aqila Mazi (IPY 2019) @aqilaamazi

See you (virtually) on Saturday!

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