SIAGA – Belajar Bersama Scrabble (BARBEL) | Bengkulu


BENGKULU – BARBEL (Belajar bersama Scrabble/Learning with Scrabble) was conducted by Randika Dwiputra (IPY 2017) @randiika, aiming to improve students’ ability in practising English through games and fun learning.

The project was organised in two elementary schools, SDN 1 and SDN 67 Bengkulu, resulting the improvement in students’ ability in memorising new English vocabularies.

SIAGA is a series of social contribution activities of SSEAYP International Indonesia. Led by SSEAYP alumni, ten social projects will be implemented across the archipelago from Manokwari, Papua to Bengkulu, Sumatra. To find out more about SIAGA, follow their stories through #SSEAYPSIAGA

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