Launching of SIAGA Book in 31st SIGA Brunei Darussalam


Bandar Seri Begawan – During the 31st SIGA Brunei 2019, we are honoured to launch our publication on SSEAYP Indonesia Alumni Grant Activities (SSEAYP), comprising ten social projects by ten SSEAYP alumni in localising SDGs, ASEAN Youth Development Index, and Indonesia Youth Development Index in various cities in Indonesia.

To this extent, we would like to thank the ten outstanding SSEAYP alumni in organising the projects:

  1. Mari Tong Ajar (MATOA) – Manokwari, Siriwai Kuwai (IPY 2016)
  2. Possible Work Goes to School – Makassar, Nazaruddin Malik (IPY 2014)
  3. Maritime Leadership Camp – Pangkajene Kepulauan, Rahmat Hidayat (IPY 2017)
  4. Belajar Bersama Scrabble (BARBEL) – Bengkulu, Randika Dwiputra (IPY 2017)
  5. Workshop and Entrepreneurial Activity for Differently Abled (We are Able) – Palembang, Dery Marsan (IPY 2017)
  6. Jepara Green Generation (JEGEG) – Jepara, Restu Ayu (IPY 2017)
  7. JEEPENGLISH – Gunungkidul, Ari Sulistyo (IPY 2009)
  8. Inclusive Space Workshop – Solo, Risye Dwiyani (IPY 2004)
  9. Gerakan Santri Sehat – Cirebon, Citra Fitri Agustina (IPY 2006)
  10. Pasukan Gerakan Bersih (PASGEBER) – Bandung, Hendy Wijaya (IPY 2014)

The SIAGA Book is accessible here: SIAGA Book

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